April 26, 2020
April 25, 2020
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WAITING (Part 1)
Most of us find ourselves in a place of waiting right now. Waiting for things to change, waiting for Covid to go away, waiting for test results, waiting for restrictions to be lessened, waiting for a stimulus check to come in, waiting for unemployment to start, waiting for the economy to get started again, waiting for a furlough to end, waiting for business to open up again, waiting for our kids to go back to school, waiting for public church services.
But waiting isn’t something relegated to the circumstances surrounding the corona virus pandemic. We are all too familiar with waiting – and we do not like it. Men and women throughout the scriptures were also familiar with waiting. And they didn’t like it either.
How good are you at waiting? Do we know how to wait? What processes are taking place while we are waiting? What does God want us to do while we are waiting?
For the next several weeks I want to share with you what I believe The Word of God has to say about waiting. We will look at various types of waiting, how we can wait with faith and expectation and what God may be doing through it all
1. God knows what we need before we need it
2. Provision doesn’t always look the same from day to day
3. It requires trust and obedience
4. Provision is dependent on God’s goodness not ours