May 5, 2019
May 10, 2019
Pastor Lindsey preaches the first message in A 5-Week series leading up to Pentecost Sunday that follows the life of Samson but focuses on the Gift of The Holy Spirit. Each week we will look at a different response to The GIFT of God as evidenced in the story of Samson. Pastor David Filener will complete the series.
Several months ago God began speaking to my heart about Samson’s life being an illustration, a shadow if you will, of the gift of the Holy Spirit. We need to remember that the Holy Spirit was active in the Old Testament. Even though the Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out, he did move upon people’s lives. The difference being that he would “come upon them” for specific purposes rather than being resident within them. Just as there are types and shadows of Jesus Christ and His work in the Old Testament, there are Old Testament types and shadows of The Holy Spirit and His work as well. In this New Covenant we have the privilege of receiving the fullness of this Gift of God
The story of Samson it’s all about the Holy Spirit. Here at the end of chapter 1 we are introduced to the spirits work in Sampson’s life. But the gift begins much earlier in this chapter and is received by faith or belief.
The first thing that Samson’s life reveals to us about the gift of the Holy Spirit is that…