Sunday, October 20, 2024
October 20, 2024
Key Texts: Nehemiah 6; Luke 4:1-13
For us to properly understand what Nehemiah Chapter 6 has to teach us about Establishing His Kingdom, we need to compare it to the temptation of Jesus found in Luke Chapter 4. In both Luke Chapter 4 and Nehemiah 6, we see the temptations or tactics of the enemy broken into 4 parts.
Part 1
• He repeatedly tries to stop the work (REPEATED ATTACKS)
• He tries to get us alone (ISOLATION)
• He zeroes in on where we are most vulnerable (WEAK SPOTS)
Focus on what God has called you to do (not your own wants and desires)
Stay close to Jesus and close to other believers
Learn to walk in your strengths rather than be controlled by your weaknesses
Part 2
• He seeks to instill fear to cause us to act inappropriately (INTIMIDATION)
• At the same time, he subtly uses false flattery in an attempt to trip us up. (PRIDE)
Do not be afraid
Walk In Humility
Part 3
• He secretly attacks us where we least expect it (DARK ALLEYS)
We need discernment
Part 4
- Pastor David Filener
- Establishing His Kingdom
- 1 John
- 1 Peter
- Luke
- Nehemiah
- Philippians
- Psalms
- Enemy
- False Flattery
- Fear
- Humility
- Isolation
- Repeated Attacks
- Tactics of the Enemy
October 3, 2021
October 3, 2021
- Pastor David Filener
- Living With Power In Dark Times
- 1 Kings
- 1 Peter
- Colossians
- Deuteronomy
- Hebrews
- Isaiah
- Matthew
- Proverbs
- Psalms
- anger
- Anxiety
- Bitterness
- Confusion
- depression
- Doubt
- Elijah
- Fear
- Fellowship
- Frustration
- grief
- Hurt
- Loneliness
- Pain
- Sadness
- Self-doubt
- Self-loathing
- Self-pity
- Temptation
- The Battle Within
- Unforgiveness