November 19, 2023
November 19, 2023
IT’S REAL (Part 2)
Key Text: 2 Peter 3
Peter’s words couldn’t be more relevant, powerful and needed in today’s world. And let’s not forget that he is speaking primarily to the church, reminding them to hold on to The Foundational Truths of the Faith. Calling upon them to guard their hearts against the attacks that these truths would suffer in increasing measure in the last days.
Attacks that will happen, not only outside the church – which we would expect – but within the church. That is where these thoughts will infiltrate, causing many to question what they believe or to accept a watered down and distorted view of the scriptures.
And I just want to shout it. IT’S REAL! ALL OF IT IS REAL.
I know Satan doesn’t want you to believe it. I know the world, friends and even family scoff at it, cast doubt on it, make fun of it, ridicule it and attempt to disprove these truths… BUT THEY ARE REAL!
The existence God and Satan
The reality of Heaven and Hell
Sin and Evil
The life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus
The saving, transforming power of the Gospel message
Spiritual Warfare
The Last Days
The rapture of the church
The second coming
Final Judgement
- Pastor David Filener
- It's REAL
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 Peter
- Acts
- Ephesians
- Joshua
- Matthew
- Revelation
- End Times
- Increase of Evil
- Jesus Return
- Judgement
- Judgement of God
- Last Days
- Proof
- Prophecy
- Rapture
- Second Coming
- Testimony
January 10, 2021
January 9, 2021