Sunday, December 8, 2024
December 8, 2024
Standing Firm
Key Texts: Nehemiah 13; Matthew 24:12-13
Great strides had been made in the hearts of the people as they committed themselves to serve God and to obey His word. They promised not to neglect the house of God, they worked together in Unity. They took care of each other. They allowed God’s word to transform them on the inside. They stood strong against the threats of the enemy and his attempts to stop all that God was doing.
But when Nehemiah returned to Babylon, things began to fall apart. The enemy was welcomed in the church and the truth of God’s word that they had comitted to obey was being purposefully ignored. The Levites were not being taken care of and returned to their own land leaving the house of God.
People went back to ignoring the Sabbath and instead focused on their own wants and desires
On top of all that the people were marrying foreign women and opening themselves up to the adoption of their gods and religious practices…
Jesus reminds us Matthew 16 that it’s not just the INITIAL work of establishing His kingdom in our hearts, our families and world that is important
It is the ENDURING work of establishing His kingdom that is important
In order for that to happen we must learn to STAND FIRM
Stand Firm with UNWAVERING COMMITMENT to the truth of God’s word
Stand Firm with UNYIELDING DEVOTION to your relationship with God
Stand Firm with UNBENDING RESOLVE against compromise with sin and the world