May 10, 2018
Filter By:
- Speaker
- Andy Marion
- Barrett Gibson
- Brigette Metcalf
- Bruce Van Natta
- Caleb Christensen
- Chris Gray
- Craig Wheeler
- Dan West
- Dana Metcalf
- Daniel Matsunaga
- Dawn Goralski
- Dr. Tom Kindell
- Fernanda Carner
- Gary Webb
- Gideons
- Gregg Wheeler
- Jacob Bock
- Jake Godin
- James Turner
- Jeremy Lance
- Johnny Pangelinan
- Johnny Wade
- Jose Miguel Ocampo
- Ken Hinson
- Matthew Klimis
- Nathaniel "Zippy" Dirkes
- Pastor David Filener
- Pastor Filener
- Pastor Lindsey
- Pastor Lindsey Chavez
- Pastor Lindsey Filener
- Priscilla Navaroli
- Rob Rocca
- Ryan Summers
- Scott Berkey
- Seth McDonald
- Stephen McClintock
- Steve Kramer
- Suzie
- Tim Meacham
- Trevor Morvant
- Series
- 1 Peter
- 2018 Missions Speakers
- 2023 Missions Convention
- 3 Whys of Baptism
- Back To Baiscs
- Battles of The Christian Life
- Be Careful
- Big Faith
- Burdened
- Can You Pass This Test
- Changing or Being Changed
- Crucified Glorified
- Did You Know
- Dig
- Establishing His Kingdom
- Exodus
- Extreme Faith
- God Are You Really There?
- God With Us
- Growing
- Hebrews
- I AM
- I Still Believe
- I Want More
- It's REAL
- It's Time - Living For Jesus In Our Day
- John
- Joseph - Finding Who We Are In Christ
- Kids Life
- Let's Go!
- Let's Review The Plan
- Living With Power In Dark Times
- Love Defined
- Love Like Jesus
- Luke
- Matthew
- Missions
- Normalizing Righteousness
- Prophecy Unveiled
- Psalms
- Romans
- Servants
- Spiritual Health Checkup
- Standing Strong
- SuperDads
- Surviving Dream Killers
- Surviving The Difficulties of Life
- The Gift Of God
- The Heart of Christmas
- The Journey To Bethlehem
- The Real Thing
- The Road To The Cross
- Try It or Live It?
- Understanding Men
- Voices
- Waiting
- What's In Your Hand?
- Where Do We Go From Here
- Wrestling In Prayer
- Books
- 1 Chronicles
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 John
- 1 Kings
- 1 Peter
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Chronicles
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 John
- 2 Kings
- 2 Peter
- 2 Samuel
- 2 Thessalonians
- 2 Timothy
- 3 John
- Acts
- Amos
- Colossians
- Daniel
- Deuteronomy
- Ecclesiastes
- Ephesians
- Esther
- Exodus
- Ezekiel
- Ezra
- Galatians
- Genesis
- Habbakuk
- Haggai
- Hebrews
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- James
- Jeremiah
- Job
- Joel
- John
- Jonah
- Joshua
- Jude
- Judges
- Lamentations
- Leviticus
- Luke
- Malachi
- Mark
- Matthew
- Micah
- Nahum
- Nehemiah
- Numbers
- Philemon
- Philippians
- Proverbs
- Psalms
- Revelation
- Romans
- Ruth
- Titus
- Zechariah
- Topics
- 10 Commandments
- 10 Virgins
- 3 1/2 years
- 4th of July
- A Savior
- A Word From God
- Abnormal
- Abomination that causes Desolation
- Abraham
- Accountability
- Act
- Adam & Eve
- Add
- Adopted
- Advent
- Adversity
- Ahab
- Alcohol
- Allegiance
- Alone
- America
- anger
- Annointing of Jesus
- Anointed
- Anointing
- Answers
- Answers to Prayer
- Antichrist
- Anxiety
- Armageddon
- Armor Bearer
- Armor of God
- Ask
- Assignment
- Attention
- Attitude
- Awake
- Back To School
- Backsliding
- Bad Times
- Baptism
- Baptism In The Holy Spirit
- Baptism of The Holy Spirit
- Barnabas
- Battle
- Battles
- Battles of The Christian Life
- Be Ready
- Behavior
- Being Changed
- Being Ready
- Beleiving In Yourself
- Belief
- Believe
- Believing
- Belonging
- Bethlehem
- betrayal
- BGMC March Madness
- Bible
- Bible Reading
- Bible Study
- Biomimicry
- Birth of Christ. Star or Bethlehem
- Bitterness
- Blessed Hope
- Blessing
- Blessing God
- Blessings
- Body of Christ
- Boldness
- Books of The Bible
- Born Again
- Boundaries
- Bowing Down
- Broken Hearts
- Building God's Kingdom
- Building on our Faith
- Building on The Rock
- Building Up
- Bullies
- Bullying
- Burdens
- Call of God
- Called
- Care
- Careful
- Caring
- Carnal Chrisitanity
- Carnality
- Celebrations
- Chains
- Change
- Changed CIrcumstances
- Changed Destiny
- Changed Future
- Changed Life
- Characteristics of God
- Chastity
- Children
- Choice
- Choices
- Choose
- Chosen
- Christ
- Christian Life
- Christian Walk
- Christmas
- Church
- Church Family
- Clean
- Cleansing
- Cleansing of the Temple
- Clothed
- Comfort
- Commitment
- Communication
- Compassion
- Complacency
- Complaining
- Compromise
- Concern
- Confession
- Conformity
- Confusion
- Consequences
- Contentment
- Continued Belief
- Continued Change
- Convictions
- correction and discipline
- Cost of Discipleship
- Covenant of Peace
- Creation
- Creator
- Creeds
- Crisis
- Cross
- Crossroads
- Crucifixion
- Cultural Trends
- Culture
- Current Happenings
- Dads
- Danger
- Daniel
- Dark Places
- Dark Times
- Darkness
- David
- Death
- Dedication
- Deiscipleship
- Deliverance
- depression
- Desire
- Desires
- Devil's Schemes
- Devotion to God
- Difficult Journies
- difficult people
- Difficult Times
- Difficulties
- Dinosaurs
- direction
- Disappointment
- Disbelief
- Discernment
- Disciples
- Discipleship
- Discouraged
- discouragement
- Disdain
- Divine Healing
- Do Good
- Doctrine
- Does God Care
- Doing Good
- Doubt
- Dream
- Dreams
- Drugs
- Ears
- Earthquake
- Easter
- Election
- Elijah
- Elisha
- Emotional Provision
- Empowerment
- Encouragement
- Encouragment
- End of Life
- End Time
- End Times
- Enemies
- Enemy
- Entertainment
- Environment
- Establishing His Kingdom
- Esther
- Eternity
- Evangelism
- Evil
- Evolution
- Exalt
- Examining Ourselves
- Exclusivity
- Excuses
- Exodus
- Expressing Your Faith
- Eyes
- Failure
- Failure Compromises
- Faith
- Faithful
- Faithfulness
- Fake Christianity
- Falling Away
- false accusations
- False Flattery
- False Prophets
- Family
- Famine
- Fasting
- Father's Day
- Fathers
- Favor
- Fear
- Fear of God
- Feet
- Fellowship
- Fiathfulness
- Fight
- Final Judgements
- Finances
- finishing well
- Fire
- Flat Jesus
- Focus
- Fogiveness
- Following
- Following Christ
- Following Jesus
- Following The Crowd
- Forgetting God
- Forgiven
- Forgiveness
- Forgotten
- Foster Care
- Foundations
- Frailty
- Free
- Freedom
- Friends
- Friendship
- Fruit
- Fruit of The Spirit
- Frustration
- Future
- Garden of Gethsemene
- Generosity
- Gentiles
- Gentleness
- Gethsemane
- Gideon
- Gideons
- Gifts
- Giving
- Glory
- Goats
- God
- God Acts
- God Eternal
- God First
- God Hears
- God Is Bigger
- God Love
- God See You
- God Sees
- God Speaks
- God Uses Us
- God's Care
- God's Love
- God's Love and Favor
- God's Plan
- God's Plan For Us
- God's Power
- God's Protection
- God's Provision
- God's Purpose
- God's Voice
- God's Will
- God's Word
- Godliness
- Going
- Goliath
- Good
- Good Friday
- Good Times
- Goodness
- Gospel
- Gospels
- Grace
- Graduation
- Gratitude
- Grave
- Great Commission
- Greed
- grief
- Growing
- Growth
- Guardian-Redeemer
- Guidance
- guilt
- Habbakuk
- Hands
- Harvest
- Hatred
- Healing
- Hearing from God
- Hearing God's Voice
- Heart
- Heaven
- Heavenly Father
- Heaviness
- Hell
- Holding on to a Promise
- Holiness
- Holy Spirit
- Homosexuality
- Honoring God
- Hope
- How God Speaks
- Humanity
- Humility
- Hurt
- Hypocrisy
- Identity
- Imitating
- Imparted Righteousness
- Impossible
- Incarnation
- Increase of Evil
- Independence Day
- Indulgence
- Influeced
- Innocence
- Integrity
- Intimacy
- Is It Safe?
- Isolation
- Israel
- Italy
- Jairus
- Jehovah Jireh
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Death
- Jesus Return
- Jesus's Annointing
- Jesus's Death
- Jesus's Return
- John The Baptist
- Jonathan
- Joseph
- Jospeh
- Joy
- Judgement
- Judgement of God
- Judgment
- Justice
- Justification
- Kids
- Kindness
- King
- Kingdoms
- Kinsman-Redeemer
- Kinsmen Redeemer
- Knock
- Knowing How God Speaks
- Knowing Jesus
- Knowledge of God
- Lamb
- Lambs Book of Life
- Last Days
- Leadership
- Learning
- Learning From The Past
- Letting go
- Lies
- Lies of The Enemy
- Life
- Life Not Wasted
- Light
- Listening
- Listening to God
- Little
- Living For Christ
- Living For God
- Living For Jesus
- Living Out Our Faith
- Loneliness
- Lord's Prayer
- loss
- Love
- Love of God
- Loving God
- Loving Others
- Loving Our Enemies
- Loy
- Loyalty
- Made New
- Maintaining Spiritual Health
- March Madness
- Mark of the Beast
- Marriage
- Marriage. Mother's Day
- Matthew 25
- Maturity
- Meditation
- Memorization
- Men
- Mephibosheth
- Mercy
- Mercy Discernment
- Messed Up Life
- Millennial reign
- Mind
- Ministry
- Miracles
- Missions
- Mixture
- Money
- More
- Moses
- Mother's Day
- Moving Foward
- Multiplication
- Nahum
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Nebuhadnezzar
- Needed
- New Creation
- New Heavens and New Earth
- New Life
- New Testament
- New Testament. Books of the Bible
- New Year
- New You
- No Room
- Noah
- Normal
- Not A Fan
- Nurturing
- Obedience
- Obstacles
- Offerings
- Old Life
- One God
- One World Currency
- One World Government
- Operation Christmas Child
- Opposition
- Other Believers
- Others
- Our Advesary
- Our Relationship with God
- Overcoming
- Pain
- Palm Sunday
- Parables
- passing the baton
- Passion
- Passion Week
- Passover
- Past
- Pastors
- Patience
- Paul
- Peace
- Peace and Safety
- Pentecost
- People
- Perception
- Persecution
- Perseverance
- Persistence
- Personal Attack
- Personal Growth
- Personal Preference
- Personal Relationship with God
- Perspective
- Physical Provision
- Plan of God
- Playing It Safe
- Point People to Jesus
- Porvision
- Position
- Possessions
- Power
- Power of God
- Praise
- Praise & Worship
- Prayer
- Preaching
- Prepare
- Prepared
- Presence of God
- Present
- Pressure
- Pretending
- Pride
- Pride. Esther
- Priorities
- Prioritizing The Word of God
- Prison
- Problems
- Proclaim
- Proclamation
- Prodigal Son
- Promises of God
- Proof
- Prophecy
- Prophesy
- Prophets
- Protecting The Fire
- Protection
- Provision
- Psalm 23
- Punisment
- Purity
- Purpose
- Purposes of God
- Pursue
- Pursuing Righteousness, Holiness, & Godliness
- Qualifications
- Questions
- Raised Up
- Rapture
- Reading God's Word
- Readping & Sowing
- Ready
- Real Christianity
- Redemption
- Reigniting The Fire
- Relationship
- Relationship with Christ
- Relationship with God
- Relationships
- Remember
- Renewal
- Repeated Attacks
- Repentance
- Resolutions
- Respect
- Responsibilities
- Ressurection
- Rest
- Restoration
- Results of Sin
- Resurrection
- Revelation
- revenge
- Revere
- Revival
- Rewarded by God
- Rich Young Ruler
- Right & Wrong
- Right and Wrong
- Right Living
- Righteousness
- Righteousnness
- Rigteousness
- Sabbath
- Sacrifice
- Sadness
- Salt
- Salvation
- Samson
- Sanctification
- Satan
- Savior
- School
- Science
- Seals Trumpets and Bowls
- Second Coming
- Secrecy
- Security
- Seek
- Self Worth
- Self-Control
- Self-doubt
- Self-loathing
- Self-pity
- Self-serving
- Servant of Christ
- Servanthood
- Service
- Serving
- Serving Christ
- Serving God
- Serving Others
- Set Apart
- Seven Churches
- sexual immorality
- Sexual Purity
- Shaped by God
- Sheep
- Shepherds
- Shipwreck
- Sight
- Signs & Wonders
- Sin
- Sin. The Love of The World
- Sliming
- Small
- Social Media
- Soft Heart
- Sold-out
- Sowing & Reaping
- Speaking Up
- Speech
- Speed The Light
- Spending Time Together in The Presence of God
- Spending Time With God
- Spending Time With Jesus
- Spiritual Disciplines
- Spiritual Eyesight
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual Warfare
- Spiritual Water
- Spiritual Weapons
- Spritual Provision
- Stand Firm
- Standing Firm
- Standing Strong
- Statue
- Staying Awake
- Stories
- Storms
- Strength
- Strength in Christ
- Submission
- Success
- Surrender
- Surviving
- Suzie
- Tactics of the Enemy
- Taking a Stand
- Taking Action
- Taking Things into Your Own Hands
- Talents
- Teamwork
- Tearing Down
- Telling Others About Jesus
- Temple of The Holy Spirit
- Temptation
- Temptations
- Testimony
- Testing Prophecy
- Thankfulness
- Thanksgiving
- The Annointing of Jesus
- The Armor of God
- The Baptism of The Holy Spirit
- The Battle Within
- The Birth of Christ
- The Blood
- The Body of Christ
- The Book of Acts
- The Call of God
- The Church
- The Day of The Lord
- The Devil
- The Enemy
- The Fig Tree
- The Flock
- The Fruit of The Spirit
- The Gift of God
- The God Who Became One of Us
- The God Who Speaks
- The Good Fight of The Faith
- The Good Samaritan
- The Good Shepherd
- The Goodness of God
- The Great Tribulation
- The Heart
- The History of The Church
- The Holy Spirit
- The Importance of The Local Church
- The Lamb
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Lost
- The Ministry
- The Passion of Christ
- The Presence of God
- The Prodigal Son
- The Real Thing
- The Resurrection
- The return of Jesus to The Earth
- The Rock
- The Tomb
- The Word
- The Word of God
- The Work of Christ
- Thinking
- Thoughts
- Three Hebrew Children
- Three Wise Men
- Throwing In The Towel
- Time
- Timothy
- Tithe
- Tithing
- Tongue
- Transfiguration
- Transformation
- transition
- Treasure
- Trends
- Trials
- Tribulation
- Tribulations
- Trinity
- Triumphal Entry
- Trouble
- Trust
- Trust in God
- Trust In His Compassion
- Trust In His Power
- Trust In His Provision and Plan
- Trust In His Timing
- Trusting God
- Truth
- unanswered prayer
- Unconditional Love
- Understanding
- Unforgiveness
- Unity
- Used of God
- Value
- Values
- Victory
- Voices
- waiting
- Walk With God
- Walking With Jesus
- Wanted by God
- Warrior
- Washing Feet
- Watch
- Water Baptism
- Weakness
- Weariness
- Wells
- What God Has Done
- What Will People Think of Me?
- Who I Am In Christ
- Who We Are In Christ
- Wickedness
- Widows Mite
- Will of God
- wisdom
- Witnesses
- Witnessing
- Woman with the issue of blood
- Word of God
- Work
- Works
- World
- Worldliness
- Worry
- Worship
- Wrestling With God
- Young Earth
- Youth
All Sermons
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